Monday, April 30, 2012

Open the Curtain to your Eyes!

Have you ever wondered why life presents so many doors to walk through?  Just as one door closes, the next door opens.   The door you walk through and the room you enter is by personal choice.  It's your personal growth journey, your life experience and spirituality that will keep you moving through life's revolving doorway.

I describe a personal doorway as an opportunistic life experience, a place to learn something new and different!  A doorway is an entry path to the room you need to be in to experience your personal growth, personal challenges, challenges to enhance your life and keep you moving to the next doorway. The places we occupy can sometimes be painful and sometimes joyful! 

People choose the room they occupy.  Some people stay in one place longer than others and some not long enough in the place they need to be.  Most people occupy space by their emotional needs.   When our needs are great we tend to overstay our welcome and fail to move forward to grow emotionally healthy.  When a person feels captivated by fear or helplessness with no sense of belonging, a natural tendency to lose focus of your life purpose takes over. 

To make the best of the room or space you occupy observe what's going on around you and decide if it fits with your passion and purpose to fulfill your happiness.  Embrace the emotional experience, take what you need and accept what you get.  If you are in an unpleasant place it's your choice to own or discard the feeling of despair.  Everyone feels captive inside a room that's dark and gloomy.  It's usually temporary and if you stay calm, trust your inner spirit, listen to your conscience, you will find your way out and leave the darkness when you choose to open the "Curtain to Your Eyes"

Life is ever changing!  As you spiritually grow, doors will open all around you.  Keep the curtain to your eyes open and embrace life's journey!

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