Saturday, January 16, 2016

Divine Affirmation to Happiness

It's normal to experience a desire to feel divine and accepted by the people we encounter in life. Sometimes we measure our successes in life by others opinion of our personal accomplishments.  It's how people make us feel that results in good and bad behavioral reactions that we in turn express toward others.

Life is a constant reach for divine happiness.  The best analogy is to take your positive energy and pay it forward to others.  If you want to reach divine happiness, avoid the constant struggle of stagnate negative energy.   Put out positive energy towards others then positive will remain in your life cycle. When you are negative you cheat yourself from reaching Divine Happiness and inner peace.

Happiness is measured and defined by what we do to affirm the action of our feelings. If we control the outcome of this feeling by block negativity, it immediately converts the negative into a positive and we share positive thoughts and actions with others. We all have made small and large mistakes in life that trigger emotional setbacks.  The objective to reach divine happiness is to identify the triggers to negative setbacks that create negative self-talk.  Negativity from others is nothing more than a deep wound from the person sharing the negative feeling.  If we learn to accept and appreciate differences of others perspective of negative pain, we learn to overcome our own emotional setbacks.  If we give credence to a negative emotion that doesn't belong to us, we grow the negative emotion into negative energy that goes on and on.  No one wants to be alone in pain.  People do not know how to deal with pain except to pass it forward.  If the chain of passing pain and negative energy stopped getting passed from one person to the next, then divine happiness and peace would be much easier to affirm and obtain 

We go through life searching for the true meaning of divine happiness.  It's a lifelong process of pain and setbacks and self-discovery before we recognize turning loose of pain.  When a person keeps repeating the same negative behavior it takes a major catastrophic event to open their mind to reflect why, what and how they became so miserable.  The fastest way to divine happiness is to listen to your inner voice.  If you stumble, forgive yourself and examine what went wrong that caused the pain.   Forgiveness is the key component to spiritual divine happiness. If you cannot let go of your past mistakes, the people that wronged you in life, you will never reach your full potential to achieve happiness.  Divine happiness is a life choice.  If you choose not to work at happiness and enjoy feeling negative, then you allow to justify your actions.  You repeat the same mistakes over and over until your life is completely out of control, empty and lacking divine spiritual happiness.

Take your life back!  Be in complete control of who you expose yourself too.  Positive people reap positive.  Negative thoughts and action manifests into incurable negative energy.  Negativity will get passed around creating misery and emptiness in the thoughts and actions of others.

Seek and you shall find, you have this life to be rewarded with divine happiness. If a person truly wants to be happy they will find their way to happiness regardless of what changes they should make.  People sometimes are their worst enemy, blocking their own happiness.  Feel worthy and you shall receive.  Life is recognizing what feels emotionally right and making personal changes that keep our spirit positive to reach divine happiness.  Ask yourself daily is this what you want today to be happy and at peace for tomorrow. If your answer is yes, then you are on the path to divine happiness. If it's no, then what is keeping you blocked from change.  The struggle for divine happiness doesn't really exist.  It's if you refuse to turn a negative into a positive and pay it forward, then it becomes part of your life cycle struggle to seek divine happiness.