Sunday, April 8, 2012

Renewed Hope Calms My Storm Inside

When you think of the word HOPE, you get the feeling all is good! I describe the word HOPE as a sense of renewal after a long treacherous down pour of rain drenched in sadness.  
HOPE of sunshine renews faith and brings back, the person we strive to be under GOD'S one umbrella. 
Have you ever left home without your umbrella? It's not often, rain drowns us in sadness, but when it does we lose all sense of calmness! We all become an isolated rain storm, desperately seeking the sun.
My life is described as upbeat and positive.  I work daily to find positive in all that I seek by avoiding the rain storms. I always carry my favorite umbrella to open and be under "Gods" influence of protection and positive energy.  

When I occasionally leave home without my protective shield or God's umbrella, I expose myself to small drops of sadness and quickly seek a sun ray to shine upon my face and bring a smile to my sadness.  

Unnoticed, I creep away into a private place of hopelessness and wait with tears until the beam of light overcomes my temporary dark sadness.  

This rare occasion is a time to be left alone to battle our storm within, No one can say or do anything to comfort the pain.  The storm passes through an emotional radar and through faith and God's presence, we begin to turn loose and the storm begins to lift.   Without God's umbrella, we cry inside with rain.  We saturate and drown our bodies in wet pain.

In the down pour of rain, go deep within the pain and search for the sun ray the soul needs to shine faith back into our heart.  Pray with faith the storm will pass.  Suddenly, the first small beam of light appears inside the broken cloud, the feeling of renewal begins to warm and comfort our pain. 

Once again, we awaken ourselves with a strength of renewed faith and accept that pain is short lived and this too shall pass!