Thursday, April 5, 2012

“Life’s Passion Play”

Life is a whirlwind of hobbies, projects, challenges, learning opportunities, joyful events, pain, sadness, Love; everything one could imagine that frames who we are today, the framework for our own life "Passion Play" veiled with purpose.

The people we encounter along the way in life will help shape the props we use to build the stage to our story. What we experience in life will become our manifesto, a beginning with no end, a piece of history that will be carried on for generations to understand and know.

Our passion is what keeps us driven to seek the true meaning of purpose which empowers our life.  The best way to discover one's inner spirit is to let go of the things that complicate life and cause fear.

When we accomplish letting go of negative behavior, the negativity of one’s past, we begin to accept our self and love others through the love we hold for our own life.

Forgiveness is letting go of pain.  Loving one’s self and embracing change through acceptance will open our life to the true meaning of passion with purpose.

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