Friday, August 11, 2017

Sole Plan or SOUL Purpose?

Have you ever wondered why things happen the way that they do? All the events that happen, people that come into your life and the experience you gain is all part of a SOUL purpose and not a sole plan.

Everyone in life has a predetermined destiny.  We all battle what the true meaning of our existence is and seek to follow our own life plan.  When we realize that things are just wrong, we are miserable, angry, unhealthy, detached because we are wrapped up in trying to control our future.  It’s GODS SOUL plan that works to make our life right.  It’s the journey of getting there that makes our life so complicated.  If we all just put our life into GODS SOUL plan and trust our godly instincts, our life might be a bit easier to cope with allowing GOD to intervene and outline our SOUL PLAN.

My life has been a long process of uncovering my SOUL purpose.  I never dreamed that after 30 years of marriage and at the age of 55, I would divorce and regain my life as it truly should be according to GODS SOUL purpose for my life as a single woman. 

I have questioned many things throughout my life, puzzled by why things did not turn out according to MY sole plan.  I have discovered that my life is geared around servant giving of myself to others.  It’s in giving to others that I receive what it is I need to fulfill my soul purpose.  I do not take people for granted because so many people have come in and out of my life and in the personal encounters with others, I have dealt with my own self-discovery of what GODS SOUL purpose is for my life. 

Life is a give and take of emotional support and spiritual healing from those we stay close to.  We are put into people’s lives for a reason.  Sometimes it’s a learning experience for something we may lack in our own life and sometimes sadness and pain that uncovers part of our soul that may need healing and realignment to let GODS SOUL purpose work.

I always thought that one life to live would be enough, now I am beginning to realize it takes more than a lifetime to figure one’s SOUL purpose and God’s predetermined destiny for my life. 

As a middle age woman, I have learned that GOD has a plan for my life and if I must endure all the ups and downs, good and bad, love and rejection, hurt and healing, happiness and sadness, joy and tears, then it’s okay because it’s all part of my SOUL purpose that GOD has planned for me to get closer to my life destiny. 

If we could keep what it is we really want in our life and dispose of the rest then life would just be to simple and are need for spiritual growth would not exist.  I believe once we uncover GODS SOUL purpose for life then things will be in perfect harmony as they should be. 

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Divine Affirmation to Happiness

It's normal to experience a desire to feel divine and accepted by the people we encounter in life. Sometimes we measure our successes in life by others opinion of our personal accomplishments.  It's how people make us feel that results in good and bad behavioral reactions that we in turn express toward others.

Life is a constant reach for divine happiness.  The best analogy is to take your positive energy and pay it forward to others.  If you want to reach divine happiness, avoid the constant struggle of stagnate negative energy.   Put out positive energy towards others then positive will remain in your life cycle. When you are negative you cheat yourself from reaching Divine Happiness and inner peace.

Happiness is measured and defined by what we do to affirm the action of our feelings. If we control the outcome of this feeling by block negativity, it immediately converts the negative into a positive and we share positive thoughts and actions with others. We all have made small and large mistakes in life that trigger emotional setbacks.  The objective to reach divine happiness is to identify the triggers to negative setbacks that create negative self-talk.  Negativity from others is nothing more than a deep wound from the person sharing the negative feeling.  If we learn to accept and appreciate differences of others perspective of negative pain, we learn to overcome our own emotional setbacks.  If we give credence to a negative emotion that doesn't belong to us, we grow the negative emotion into negative energy that goes on and on.  No one wants to be alone in pain.  People do not know how to deal with pain except to pass it forward.  If the chain of passing pain and negative energy stopped getting passed from one person to the next, then divine happiness and peace would be much easier to affirm and obtain 

We go through life searching for the true meaning of divine happiness.  It's a lifelong process of pain and setbacks and self-discovery before we recognize turning loose of pain.  When a person keeps repeating the same negative behavior it takes a major catastrophic event to open their mind to reflect why, what and how they became so miserable.  The fastest way to divine happiness is to listen to your inner voice.  If you stumble, forgive yourself and examine what went wrong that caused the pain.   Forgiveness is the key component to spiritual divine happiness. If you cannot let go of your past mistakes, the people that wronged you in life, you will never reach your full potential to achieve happiness.  Divine happiness is a life choice.  If you choose not to work at happiness and enjoy feeling negative, then you allow to justify your actions.  You repeat the same mistakes over and over until your life is completely out of control, empty and lacking divine spiritual happiness.

Take your life back!  Be in complete control of who you expose yourself too.  Positive people reap positive.  Negative thoughts and action manifests into incurable negative energy.  Negativity will get passed around creating misery and emptiness in the thoughts and actions of others.

Seek and you shall find, you have this life to be rewarded with divine happiness. If a person truly wants to be happy they will find their way to happiness regardless of what changes they should make.  People sometimes are their worst enemy, blocking their own happiness.  Feel worthy and you shall receive.  Life is recognizing what feels emotionally right and making personal changes that keep our spirit positive to reach divine happiness.  Ask yourself daily is this what you want today to be happy and at peace for tomorrow. If your answer is yes, then you are on the path to divine happiness. If it's no, then what is keeping you blocked from change.  The struggle for divine happiness doesn't really exist.  It's if you refuse to turn a negative into a positive and pay it forward, then it becomes part of your life cycle struggle to seek divine happiness.    

Friday, March 1, 2013

Sensory Meditation: "How to appreciate everything, without having anything”

It’s quite simple; learn to use your sensory system during what I call "Sensory Meditation" It's within your mind where you can obtain the desires you need for emotional happiness.  

Do you know what's missing in your life?   Try using a 5 minute "Sensory Meditation" exercise-  

For it to work you must get in touch with the feeling you had when you last experienced the missing desire.

Close your eyes and let the human sensory system kick in. Use self-visualization, emotional feeling, attachment and association. Visualize the object, imagine smell, taste, sound whatever it is that triggers your emotion deep within to allow your soul to feel open. 

Maybe you just started a new diet and cannot have chocolate cake. Open a magazine and stare at the cake. Close the book, visualize the image, smell the aroma, imagine what the cake taste like.  How did you feel after you had the cake? Is it not having the cake or the feeling it gives you that limits your happiness?  

During the exercise, you may realize the missing desire is not something that makes you happy. The feeling you had before you began the exercise may be more comfortable then the feeling after the exercise. If that's the case, the desire is a negative one and something you must release!

The alternate feeling is different. If it makes you smile, you have successfully completed the exercise. The missing desire can now be obtained through "Sensory Meditation" at freewill.

To reach purity, one must recognize the truth of one's desire. You can appreciate everything, without having anything if you learn to substitute the missing desire using "Sensory Meditation."

The exercise is a lot like childhood daydreaming, the feeling of an innocent mind incapable of processing the motivation behind the unknown desire until it's dissected through "Sensory Meditation"

Let the feeling surface, it’s powerful and only you can explain and accept the true motivation behind your desire. 

Heal your unknown desire by using your personal prescription of "Sensory Meditation"   

Monday, April 30, 2012

Open the Curtain to your Eyes!

Have you ever wondered why life presents so many doors to walk through?  Just as one door closes, the next door opens.   The door you walk through and the room you enter is by personal choice.  It's your personal growth journey, your life experience and spirituality that will keep you moving through life's revolving doorway.

I describe a personal doorway as an opportunistic life experience, a place to learn something new and different!  A doorway is an entry path to the room you need to be in to experience your personal growth, personal challenges, challenges to enhance your life and keep you moving to the next doorway. The places we occupy can sometimes be painful and sometimes joyful! 

People choose the room they occupy.  Some people stay in one place longer than others and some not long enough in the place they need to be.  Most people occupy space by their emotional needs.   When our needs are great we tend to overstay our welcome and fail to move forward to grow emotionally healthy.  When a person feels captivated by fear or helplessness with no sense of belonging, a natural tendency to lose focus of your life purpose takes over. 

To make the best of the room or space you occupy observe what's going on around you and decide if it fits with your passion and purpose to fulfill your happiness.  Embrace the emotional experience, take what you need and accept what you get.  If you are in an unpleasant place it's your choice to own or discard the feeling of despair.  Everyone feels captive inside a room that's dark and gloomy.  It's usually temporary and if you stay calm, trust your inner spirit, listen to your conscience, you will find your way out and leave the darkness when you choose to open the "Curtain to Your Eyes"

Life is ever changing!  As you spiritually grow, doors will open all around you.  Keep the curtain to your eyes open and embrace life's journey!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Renewed Hope Calms My Storm Inside

When you think of the word HOPE, you get the feeling all is good! I describe the word HOPE as a sense of renewal after a long treacherous down pour of rain drenched in sadness.  
HOPE of sunshine renews faith and brings back, the person we strive to be under GOD'S one umbrella. 
Have you ever left home without your umbrella? It's not often, rain drowns us in sadness, but when it does we lose all sense of calmness! We all become an isolated rain storm, desperately seeking the sun.
My life is described as upbeat and positive.  I work daily to find positive in all that I seek by avoiding the rain storms. I always carry my favorite umbrella to open and be under "Gods" influence of protection and positive energy.  

When I occasionally leave home without my protective shield or God's umbrella, I expose myself to small drops of sadness and quickly seek a sun ray to shine upon my face and bring a smile to my sadness.  

Unnoticed, I creep away into a private place of hopelessness and wait with tears until the beam of light overcomes my temporary dark sadness.  

This rare occasion is a time to be left alone to battle our storm within, No one can say or do anything to comfort the pain.  The storm passes through an emotional radar and through faith and God's presence, we begin to turn loose and the storm begins to lift.   Without God's umbrella, we cry inside with rain.  We saturate and drown our bodies in wet pain.

In the down pour of rain, go deep within the pain and search for the sun ray the soul needs to shine faith back into our heart.  Pray with faith the storm will pass.  Suddenly, the first small beam of light appears inside the broken cloud, the feeling of renewal begins to warm and comfort our pain. 

Once again, we awaken ourselves with a strength of renewed faith and accept that pain is short lived and this too shall pass!    

Friday, April 6, 2012

Does Luck Define What's Real?

What people want and need are two totally different things. We all want more at some point in our life, but accepting what we need is the true pursuit of happiness.

Many people seem to think that the word "LUCK" is real.  People think if someone has more fortune, it’s out of pure luck and they should have the same because they deserve it and have worked equally as hard!  

LUCK is not real! People are not born lucky, we do not create luck, in fact the word luck should be taken out of the dictionary. The word luck is linked with the feeling of being cheated or robbed from what we think we deserve and not necessarily what we need.  Feeling cheated by luck will cause a life of misery, victimization and eventually internal sickness.
Seeking material possessions for personal gain and recognition is nothing more than false ego. False Ego is fear and Edging God Out!  We bankrupt our life with false ego and fear through obsessing on material possessions we think we want, and probably do not need.  If we learn to forget the material world that consumes so much of our time, we can learn to live our life free from others.  Many people in the world take on unnecessary financial debt to impress people they don't know. 

My father once told me, that a financial high-roller is a person who with a false ego spends money they don't have to impress the people they don't like!  

Thursday, April 5, 2012

“Life’s Passion Play”

Life is a whirlwind of hobbies, projects, challenges, learning opportunities, joyful events, pain, sadness, Love; everything one could imagine that frames who we are today, the framework for our own life "Passion Play" veiled with purpose.

The people we encounter along the way in life will help shape the props we use to build the stage to our story. What we experience in life will become our manifesto, a beginning with no end, a piece of history that will be carried on for generations to understand and know.

Our passion is what keeps us driven to seek the true meaning of purpose which empowers our life.  The best way to discover one's inner spirit is to let go of the things that complicate life and cause fear.

When we accomplish letting go of negative behavior, the negativity of one’s past, we begin to accept our self and love others through the love we hold for our own life.

Forgiveness is letting go of pain.  Loving one’s self and embracing change through acceptance will open our life to the true meaning of passion with purpose.